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MFNO Winter 2024 Newsletter

MFNO Winter 2024 Newsletter


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Founded March 2022


  1. ‍Letter from the President
  2. Newcomer Safety
  3. The Christmas Food Drive
  4. Social Activities
  5. Approaching the Third Year Cycle

‍1. Letter from the President


Happy Holidays and Greetings to all our newcomers, donors, followers, and volunteers. 2024 has been an amazing year, so much has been accomplished, and so many lives helped. We wish everyone to have a wonderful holiday season with family and friends, and enjoy a healthy and prosperous New Year!


There has been lots of change in what is required from MFNO to assist newcomers since we were founded in 2022. Initially the push was for housing, employment, preparing all the paperwork and to begin settlement in Canada. There was a huge rush, partial families coming with merely a backpack and a few personal items. 


Months and years pass and the change has become re-uniting families as other members catch up to those that came initially. Temporary housing now has much longer turnover cycles, as the wait times are longer and needs spread over many months. 


Today we're spending a significant amount of time and resources helping families extend VISAs, work on re-uniting separated families (for those that can), and ensure sustainability in their plans. This has been critically important as so many are sufficiently established and looking to remain here. 

We've also recently connected with the Institute for Work and Health of Ontario IWH) in regards to newcomer employment safety. The first of their talks happening in November of 2024. MFNO has learned this subject is critically important, being directly connected with employers of newcomers, and coupled with the safety expertise from Barantas Inc., are able to contribute real world experiences and knowledge. We're looking forward to working together with IWH to greatly improve newcomer safety. Read more in this newsletter on this important topic.


Chris Ursulak

President & CEO

2. Newcomer Safety


The Institute for Work and Health (IWH) recently started roundtable discussions on the health and work of newcomers to Canada.

MFNO reached out to IWH to be included in these discussions and is looking forward to contributing both our findings and experience to the concerns, as well as act as an implementor and facilitator of change. 


MFNO as part of our newcomer mentoring process assists in job search and initial employment integration. This can include but is not limited to: workers rights, safety concerns for the type of employment, instruction translations from employer to worker, and general interview and resume assistance.


MFNO has our own newcomer safety courses targeted for workers entering more physical trades or careers. This includes various industrial roles, construction, landscaping and other increased risk employment. 


This is a much needed project and MFNO is excited to be a part of the research and outcomes. We encourage our members and donors to follow along with information from the recent press release as well as the link to Round Table PDF release. 


More on this coming in 2025. 


3. The Christmas Food Drive

Celebrating the Canadian Christmas in December is often adopted by the newcomers who want to further integrate and join the Canadian Culture and lifestyle. 

MFNO each year ensures families have a full table for their celebrations by providing either turkeys, hams or other options of their choice with extras to make something special. 

MFNO continually reviews families needs and ensures not just food is delivered, but clothing appropriate to the season, shoes and boots, coats and hats as needed. We have a large collection of adult clothing but childrens' clothing is always in need. 

MFNO also this year in 2024 had a first in obtaining and delivering essential medical equipment for a newcomer. Many of you may recall in our spring newsletter, through the help of the Canadian Government, gracious donors and custom wheel chair building firm, delivered a custom high quality wheelchair to a handicapped newcomer.  


Now is a great time to give and help MFNO continue to support families get started in Canada.

You also get a tax receipt in time for 2024 tax season!


"Велике дякую за вітання, смаколики 🙏 Ми Вас дуже дуже любимо ❤️

Ціную все що ви робите🫶🏻" - Olha H


"Дякуємо за подарунки 🎁🙏" - Ruslan & Katerina D


4. Social Activities

Social Events, Trips and Fun!

MFNO plans trips and social events to help families see various parts of Canada, our culture and especially fun for the kids. Some of our most popular trips include day trips to The Big Apple, Niagara Falls, Primitive Designs, The Badlands, CN Tower and Rogers Centre, The Toronto Eaton Centre, and other parts of downtown. Other social gatherings have been skating events, skiing, and bbq's which is a fun time for all. 


Newcomers get to meet other newcomers and often form long term friendships that help grow the community network of support and lifelines. 


MFNO is looking forward to running more social events in 2025, stay tuned!


4. Approaching The Third Year Cycle

CUAET Work Permits were a three year term...

Most families are working hard to establish new life here in Canada, taking care of their kids, learning new and improving current skills. Communication becoming more fluent in the years helping to build new connections, getting better jobs, increasing confidence, and greater knowledge of Canada and culture. 


Many of the language and communication improvements were the results of the great efforts of ESL specialty teacher VIktor in Whitby. 


Since 2022 MFNO helped alot with paperwork, medical tests for immigration, temporary housing, registering children to school coupled with jobs for parent(s), and often emergency medical appointments. Newcomers needed advice in everything large and small and our goal and pleasure was to help and mentor them through the challenges. After their first year of working, newcomers needed help completing tax returns. 


Now as the third year cycle is concluding, Work Permits are approaching expiry. Newcomers are seeking assistance on understanding and navigating the process to collect documents, meet requirements and apply. 


For those Ukrainian newcomers who arrived before March 31, 2024, Immigration and Citizenship Canada has released guidelines and instructions on how to begin the process of extension. 


It is critically important that all applications are submitted PRIOR to March 31st, 2025. This is for both new and existing newcomers with work permits.




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