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MFNO February Exhibition Fundraiser

MFNO February Exhibition Fundraiser

February 2024 Exhibition

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Founded March 2022


  1. ‍Letter from the President
  2. The Air of Freedom | Aerial Photographs of Ukraine
  3. Station Gallery 
  4. About the Photographer

‍1. Letter from the President


Hello to everyone and welcome to an exciting next few months.


The Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO) and Fundraise Ukraine, are raising funds to help Ukrainian refugees through aid and resettlement services in Canada. MFNO mentorship helps Ukrainian families in their first few months in Canada get settled and become independent. 


In cooperation with Station Gallery in Whitby, Ontario, MFNO and Fundraise Ukraine will exhibit an aerial photography collection by Ukrainian artist Zinovii Pidperyhora. With over 50 images that include historical information in English and Ukrainian, they will be available for immediate order online. Thanks to Station Gallery for hosting this exhibition with continued support to the Ukrainian community and initiatives. Read more below...


All proceeds from this exhibition will go towards MFNO initiatives for Ukrainian newcomers to Canada. 


I would like to apologize for our previous newsletter for referring to Romero House as Romeo House. This managed to slip by our editors but not our readership and we deeply apologize for this error. 


Also from our previous newsletter our requirement to find sponsors and equipment for our physically disabled Ukrainian was fully met. Thank you so much for the immediate support offered in such a time of need. Watch for more on this in our coming newsletters.


Chris Ursulak

President & CEO

2. The Air of Freedom

Aerial Photographs of Ukraine Exhibition

‍FEBRUARY 5th, 2024 to March 23rd, 2024. 

Station Gallery

1450 Henry Street, Whitby, ON

The Air of Freedom, displaying Aerial Photographs of Ukraine is an exhibition of 50 aerial photographs of monuments of history and architecture of Ukraine, printed on canvas by photographer Zinoviy Pidperyhora.  


Each image has a brief historical synopsis in Ukrainian and English, which can be viewed and ordered immediately by scanning a QR code and purchasing on the smartphone. This one-of-a-kind collection is its first full showing in Canada with every image on display in its intended printed size. 


Ukraine is rich in culture and history and these images with historical backgrounds are just the beginning of exploring such a beautiful country and people. The war threatens to destroy the Ukrainian people, culture and lands, with unbelievable destruction and devastation already experienced by so many. Allow yourself to be immersed in the tranquil images and stories that truly represent Ukrainians and their way of life throughout history.


During the exhibition, a public webinar will be organized for anyone to speak directly to the artist in Ukraine. Hear him talk about experiences and the history of the locations, and ask questions about any image in particular you want to know more about.  




3. Station Gallery - Host of 'The Air of Freedom'

Over 50 Years of Championing Art in Our Community

In 1967, a group in Whitby started a community gallery, operating under the name Whitby Arts Incorporated. In 1969, a Victorian Grand Trunk Railway Station located near the shores of Lake Ontario in south Whitby was slated for demolition. The community arts group formally incorporated in 1970, and, supported by interested volunteers and benefactors purchased and moved the Station in 1971 to Henry and Victoria Streets. “Station Gallery” was adopted as the name to reflect the heritage of the building. A Port Stanley boxcar was later added to the exterior of the building and served as an on-site print making studio. Station Gallery (SG) began a major transformation on November 11, 2005, when the original Victorian Railway Station and Port Stanley boxcar were moved across the street to the new location and expanded with a new addition.

This expansion significantly enhanced gallery capacity with increased exhibit, studio, collection storage, and administrative space. The newly expanded gallery opened its doors in January 2006. In a short period SG has grown to be a robust institution, managing the fine balance of art and business, ensuring long-term stability and sustainability. SG now boldly moves into an exciting phase of enhanced artistic development as we enter our next 50 years.


Station Gallery would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.

4. About the Photographer

“Each person has his own mission and special role, which is clearly defined in crucial historical moments. Artists cannot be on the sidelines, they have their own, no less important front, they too, are at the forefront. With artistic means of expression, they proclaim to the whole world the beauty of their own Earth and the universal values ​​of its peoples, glorifying the democratic values, freedom and independence of their country gained in the difficult struggle”, the photographer explains.

Zenyk’s art project began in 2016, and the impetus for this was the first attempt to master the art of photography and video shooting with a quadcopter. Thus, it was possible to transfer all the previously acquired experience of architectural and landscape photography in creating illustrations for various scientific historical and local lore publications.

“Undoubtedly, the object of my interest is still the most fascinating and beautiful places, monuments of history and architecture of Ukraine”, says the author.

Many of the aerial photography up for purchase here, was first shown in Lviv at the Gery Bowman Gallery, later in Kyiv at the Koleso Theater on Andriyivsky Uzviz, and then later in Toronto at the KUMF Gallery for a limited selection. This whole project is a private initiative of the author and is not sponsored by any state or public organization.

Work on the project was to continue, with plans to expand the territory of photography, as so far it has taken place only in western Ukraine. Sadly, only the initial photographed material can be made available, as further efforts have been suspended due to Russia’s invasion and seizure of part of the territory of peaceful Ukraine. 

Zenyk has graciously donated the right to print the photographs so that MFNO can raise funds to help Ukrainians displaced by the war and resettle in Canada, while you retain a memory of Ukraine’s rich and beautiful history. 

Glory to Canada! Glory to Ukraine!



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MFNO is a federally registered Charity - Registration Number: 732632203 RR0001


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Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO). A federally registered charitable organization (732632203 RR0001) whose team is dedicated to providing aid and assistance and settlement services for refugees and those seeking asylum in Canada.

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